Here I document what I do to make it work:
1. In layout view's head.
<%= csrf_meta_tag %>
2. In javascript using ng-app module to update httpProvider add csrf token in the header.var vmShowApp = angular.module('vmShowApp', ['ngResource']);
"$httpProvider", function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-Token'] = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content');
3.In html page to do the update , it will call update function using ng-click.<a class="action" href="" ng-click="update('<%= Vm::STATUS[:VM_STATUS_AVAIL] %>')"><%= Vm::STATUS[:VM_STATUS_AVAIL] %></a>
4. In javascript it define update function, looks like angular will create vm object inside this put request, so I add the status inside this vm object.$scope.update = function(status){
$scope.vm['status'] = status;
var vm = Vm.get({id:<%= @vm[:id] %>});
vm.vm = {}
vm.vm.status = status;
vm.$update({id:<%= @vm[:id] %>});
5. In config/route.rb define the REST rerouces.namespace :api do
namespace :v1 do
resources :vms
6.In app/controllers/api/v1/vms_controller.rb define the update functiondef update
respond_with Vm.update(params[:id],params[:vm])
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