Saturday, June 16, 2012

rvm mongrel init.d non-root

  I need init.d script to start my mongrel cluster , because my machine always reboot with no reason by hosting company.
Here is what I do in 3 steps:

1. Create a wrapper -
    rvm wrapper ruby-1.8.7-p334 bootup mongrel_rails
    rvm wrapper ruby-1.8.7-p334 bootup starling

2. Create /etc/init.d/mongrel
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# mongrel Startup script for Mongrel by Tim Morgan, modifyed by Eric
# chkconfig: - 85 15
# description: mongrel manages Mongrel

apps = [
  {:app => 'eric', :cluster_config_path => '/home/u/apps/eric/current/config/mongrel_cluster.yml'} ]
default_port = 9300
default_options ={
  :app_dir => '/home/u/apps/eric/current',
  :enviroment => 'production'

if ['start','restart','stop', 'status'].include? ARGV.first
  apps.each do |app|
    options = default_options.merge(app)
    puts "#{ARGV.first}:  #{options[:app]} using #{options[:cluster_config_path]}..."
    puts `su eric -c 'bootup_mongrel_rails cluster::#{ARGV.first}  -v  -C #{options[:cluster_config_path]}' `

if ['start'].include? ARGV.first
    puts `su eric -c 'bootup_starling -d -P /home/u/apps/pfs/current/tmp/pids/ -q /home/u/apps/pfs/current/starling'`

unless ['start','stop','restart','status'].include? ARGV.first
  puts "Usage: service mongrel {start|stop|restart|status}"

3. Add into runlevel by chkconfig
     chkconfig --add mongrel
     chkconfig --level 3 mongrel on